Video Games for Fun & Profit

Games have always been a passion of mine – even back in middle school, drawing out game ideas in math notebook. From projects I did on my own time to stuff I was fortunate enough to get paid to do.

  • Randy’s Mall Dash Retro-style endless runner game. This year, I wanted to do something different and memorable for our agency Christmas card. The art department had been talking about making a video game and now I finally had the time to make it happen.
  • Space Shooter Shoot-em-up game with an alien-blasting/digital marketing theme. This game was created in order to sell the agency's digital services. You play as an intrepid astronaut who blasts asteroids and alien bugs with an upgradable space gun
  • Coverage Crisis
  • Pod to Plate Educational Game about Soybeans
  • Thinkin’ with Lincoln Trivia Game