Website of Dave Schuette: web designer, graphic artist, maker, and huge nerd.
Lincoln Office Wordpress site. I've been steward of this site for years. At first I came in and made adjustments to the existing site, built with a custom CMS in ColdFusion. Later, I rebuilt the whole site from scratch in the same system. Most recently, it was redone again - this time with Wordpress.
Acadian Seaplants Wordpress website. The client wanted a website that went well with their print material. Based on their direction, our team laid out a mockup of what it should look like. Once it was approved, I built out the site, from header to footer and all pages in between.
Neighborhood House Wordpress site. After being given the layout mocked up in Adobe Illustrator, I created this site using the Joyn Wordpress theme. I'm really happy with how this one turned out. The dynamic elements on the home page are especially cool.
Hollow Knight Helmet Light-weight, accurate costume head of the main character in the game, Hollow Knight. My son and I are big fans of the game Hollow Knight, which features an awesomely adorable player character with a mask-like head. I had been watching a lot of Bill Doran and Ted Smith videos on how to build costumes out of EVA foam, and had been itching to try and build something myself. So, here's the result.
NPC Generator Tool for Dungeons & Dragons game masters to quickly create characters on-the-fly. PHP-based program that randomly chooses features from a text database to build a character description usable in a tabletop game. If the user is looking for something specific, like a dwarfish blacksmith, there are selectable dropdowns to lock in what you want, and randomly generate the rest.